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Neutronics Ultima ID Refrigerant Identifier - NEURI-2004DX
Neutronics Ultima ID Refrigerant Identifier - NEURI-2004DX
Utilizes dispersive infrared (NDIR) technology to determine the weight concentrations of R12, R134a, R22, hydrocarbons and air"Blend-ID" analytical software identifies all EPA S.N.A.P. blendsIdentifies illegal replacements and blends including propane and butaneQuickly and automatically determines if the purity of R12 and R134a refrigerant is at industry acceptable levelsLarge graphing display for easy reading/operation Comes with a rugged portable case, R12 and R134a sample hoses, R134a sample hoses, R134a adapter fitting for ACME ported cylinders and 12V DC battery clips. Most Gauges & Specialty Tools products are available for in-store pickup from Advance Auto Parts.
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